About Perro Largo

Perro Largo is a Costa Rica Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (SRL) based in Nosara, Guanacaste.

We focus on providing high quality places to stay and services and on extracting value from our beautiful and natural properties. These properties in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA and Nosara, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, when combined with our activities, services and verified quantifiable international reputable experience provide amazing opportunities to excel.

Wilmington and Costa Rica both count on tourists to fuel one third of their local economies. The popular beaches and water-oriented natural environments act as significant drivers of tourism in both locations.

Once you’re in, eBird is all about one thing: uploading checklists of birds you’ve encountered in the field, with enough scientific precision that those observations can feed into one massive, searchable database.

Once you’re in PerroLargo, the LongDog is all about one thing: extracting maximum output from property by creating updateable task and inventory lists to manage your property with efficiency and precision. The collection of observations and analytical actions you will embark upon yield a significant benefit. Now, it's rewarding to manage your properties from around the world.